The Top 11 Bob Dylan Songs of All Time.

Daylin Leach
7 min readJul 15, 2022

While people who are great at things are really great at them, hence the reason we say they are great at the thing they are great at (this article gets better, I promise), they are not equally great every time they set out to do that thing. Which, to be clear, they are really, really great at. In other words, even the greats have bad days and mediocre days, and yes…you guessed it…great days!

Let me give you an example. The Vikings were really great at pillaging. Also, card tricks! But mostly pillaging. If you were pillaged by a Viking, you stayed pillaged! No one walked away from an encounter with a Viking saying “Wait! Hold on! Was I just pillaged there?”.

But even among the Vikings, some pillagers stood out. And the historical consensus seems to be that nobody pillaged better than Ragnor Lodbrok whose nickname (and I swear I am not making this up), was “Shaggy Trousers Lodbrok”. Despite his rather goofy moniker, Shaggy Trousers was perhaps the most prolific and blood thirsty Viking pillager of all time. He ravaged both the British and Roman empires for decades until, eventually, the King of Northumberland tossed him into a pit of snakes.

The point (oh yes! There is a point!) is that for all the pillaging that ol’ Shaggy Trousers did, he did have days that both he and the victims of his indescribably barbary would both…



Daylin Leach

Long-time state House and Senate member, author of PA’s Medical Marijuana law, also creator of “shit-gibbon!” Comedian, professor, father of 2 awesome children!